After I saw that the community likes
my semantic breaking idea,
I dag around to find out why is that so,
and this is what I concluded from some research
(in bio-physics, psychology, etc ...):

a. When one reads,
   90% of the energy and the time,
   goes into figuring out where are the border lines
   between different semantic entities,
   and the remaining 10% of the energy and time
   goes into understanding and memorizing the knowledge.

b. Consequently,
   if everything is already semantically broken,
   one saves 90% of time and energy,
   and the probability of misunderstanding goes down.

   In other words,
   after enjoying a semantically broken PowerPoint,
   one puts less sugar into his/her coffee :)

   Semantically broken slides save sugar money to listeners :)

c. A drastic example of the usefulness of semantic breaks
   is when you take a well indented piece of C code,
   which is always "one line - one logical unit"
   and you rewrite it as a single paragraphs :)

   In such cases,
   a piece of code
   which before was understood in one second,
   now takes one minute to understand it.

   With this in mind,
   I also figured out that,
   the higher the level of abstraction in lines,
   the more the semantic breaking is useful.

d. I was teaching the same class to two morning groups,
   using PowerPoint with and without semantic breaks,
   and the first group always did better
   on the after-class test (about 10% to 15%).

   One student told me,
   it could be more useful
   when the audience is tired.

   When I taught the same in the last evening slot,
   the test results were 15% to 20% better :)

e. You have noticed,
   when I write email,
   I also do "one line - one thought".

   I know, that way my emails get better understood.

f. I looked into the total works of Shakespeare.

   Without any exception: one line - one thought.

   Maybe that is why he became well understood and famous
   although his wisdom was sophisticated:
   Simply, common people understood him well,
   maybe because he was using semantic breaks :)

g. When I teach students how to make PowerPoint,
   I also use examples from Pythia
   (an ancient Greek prophet)
   and some FUNNY examples of misunderstanding
   due to using paragraphs
   rather than semantic breaks :)

   These I can send to you, if you wish.

h. The bottom line is that
   the best slides are those without text
   except for the title line
   (only figures, animations, and other visuals,
   since one picture is worth 1000 words,
   and one animation is worth 1000 pictures).

   However, if one has to have bullets of text,
   and if the bullet spills over into the second line
   (maximum 3 to 4 lines),
   one has to use semantic breaks.

   In my classes,
   each student defends his/her semester project
   using a PowerPoint presentation.

   No matter how well the work was done,
   the grade is ZERO,
   unless all slides are semantically broken.


ps: If one expects
    that the email reader
    uses a cell phone to read email
    semantically broken lines
    have to be much shorter;
    else, a mess appears
    on the narrow screen.