The Knime Algorithm
The ELeaRNT Algorithm: Evolutionary Learning of Rich Neural Network Topologies, S. Miletic
The FPGrowth Algorithm, I. Tanasic
Ant-Miner, M. Jovanovic, S. Veljkovic
Topic-Sensitive PageRank, B. Stojanovic
Estimating Missing Attribute Values Using Dynamically-Ordered Attribute Trees, B. Mitrovic
The Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm.ppt, N. Trpkovic
The BIRCH Algorithm, V. Jelic
Semantic Search Agent, M. Jovanovic
Concept Web, V. Simovic
Web Mining, Z. Nedic
Visual Model Building, M. Savic
The HQ1 algorithm, S. Jovanovic
Genetic Algorithms in Artificial Neural Network, L. Bukarica